domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009


Ameba Systems BlueStat

Nowadays knowing the fluency of people of your commerce and the loyal clients is relative important. It is known that bluetooth devices became part of our daily life. Laptops, mobile phones, PDA,... stay active all day long.

This is a great weapon for commercials and mall, why not scan the devices to see the client behaviour?
Scanning devices can be really usefull for the business and administration department of, for instance, a mall. You can check how long the clients stay, where they stay, their favorite departments, etc ...

Lot of information comes up with this scanning and it can be used to send sms commercials to the clients or to compute all the hours the client stay in the mall to award them somehow.

AS BlueStat promotes the above idea. We have managed to combined the last innovative technologies to achieve this goal. Here some details of this simple project are presented.

Bluestat project is compossed by the following parts:

The application can run withing a isolate BSP or in several BSP. All the bluetooth scanning objectives are store in the database.

Here we present the database relations:

You can find a better description here

OSGI is the core of the application. We have integrated GWT in the OSGI framework to get a really nice GUI.


  • Real time bluetooth devices detection

  • Statistics of single users or a group of users.

  • Send commercial sms, oriented user offers , ...

  • Locals based on i18n internationalization

Here you can see a live demo (people in our AS labs), use the credentials admin/admin to enter (you need to have access to 8081 port of ameba server):

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